A downloadable tool

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more


This is a basic player controller with first person and third person camera

You can move with A/D/W/S,
jump with "spacebar",
sprint with holding "shift"
rotate with mouse.x/mouse.y

To do something like a wallrund jump against or along a wall holding shift and one direction key.

To exit press "esc"

To switch the camera between first and third person press "C"
To zoom the camera in the third person view use the mouse wheel

Sprint: left "shift"
Crouch: left "alt"
Powerslide: hold left "shift" + left "alt" 

Rigidbodies: balls and cubes

Interactive Object: antigravity field

Player physics:
jump is only possible when in contact with the floor

What is special in this project?
The way the player controller is organized.
Input like mouse-input or keyboard input has its own node,
sending scripted signals to a Signal Manager.
The other Nodes, like the player connecting itself through a script to the Signal Manager to "pick up" the informations they need.
For instance move commandos, mouse commandos, etc.

Version 0.2 has additional:
jump-pads -> catapults the player to the direction the jump-pad is looking
cube - rigid body -> now the player can jump onto the cube and run on it like its a floor

Version 0.23:
first and third person camera
some adjustments in the move script

Version 0.24 :

Version 0.3 :
Stair / Obstacle helper (sensors)
Wallrund Sensor
Several code and node optimizations
Improved wallrun
Mouse-Input  fixed

Version 0.31 :
Tested in Godot 4.2-dev5
Mouse-Input further optimized and reduced jittery a lot

Version 0.32 :
Tested in Godot 4.2-dev5
Bug-Fix -> horizontal vector determination for wallrun and stairhelper fixed

Version 0.34 :
Tested in Godot 4.2-dev5
Bug-Fix -> declared separately from default input map.

Attached a nother project.godot file, in case settings and input map is  lost.
Deactivated the experimental multi-thread option to make the project    more stable.

Version 0.35:
Tested in Godot 4.2-dev5
Input Mapping fix for MacOS:
The input Map has now additional input bindings
with "command/control auto" active.

Version 0.36:
Ported to Godot 4.1-stable


- Version 0.3+ also has the stair / obstacle  helper and ladder climb included

- on my website you can buy this product with reduced price:


Tested with Godot 4.2-dev5


Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

GodoDude_new.v.0.3.zip 74 MB
GodoDude_new.v.0.31.zip 126 MB
GodoDude_new.v.0.32.zip 21 MB
GodoDude_new.v.0.34.zip 31 MB
GodoDude_new.v.0.35.zip 31 MB
GodoDude_new.v.0.36.zip 36 MB

Development log


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Does not work, the player will go flying when you try to go different directions, there is also no player rotation which is what I was looking for in the first place

(1 edit)

Please use GODOT 4.1-stable

If it still doesn't work for you, tell me more about your operation system, and your input devices (mouse , joystick,  etc)